clothes on hanger
CategoriesFashion Sustainability

Fast Fashion Impact on Workers and The Importance of Choosing Transparent Brands

Do you know where your clothes are coming from? Are the businesses you buy from transparent when discussing the manufacturing journey of their products? These are important questions that people should be asking.

Let’s Recap On Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is the cycle in which brands are overproducing low quality garments in order to follow trends seen in fashion shows. Consumers are then encouraged to buy these products and discard of those which they had bought when following the earlier trend. Over production leads to over consumption, which is not a sustainable process in which the fashion industry can continue to follow. The fast fashion cycle is causing many problems for not only the environment but in the lives of garment workers.

If you would like more insight into this topic then you can read about it on our blog post ‘The Impact of Fast Fashion On The Environment’.

Fast Fashion: A Danger To Garment Workers


Sweatshop is a term you have likely heard of but what exactly does it mean? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a sweatshop is ‘a small factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in bad conditions.’ This is a very simple explanation to what is actually an incredibly complex problem.

The World Counts found that ‘the clothing industry in Bangladesh accounts for about 80% of the country’s exports and around 40% of its industrial workforce.’ This is an example which portrays how vast this problem actually is. With this data in mind, it is estimated that there are over 3.5 million garment workers, with over 80% of these workers being women.

Bangladesh is just one of many countries that have these sweatshop working environments. Millions of people are working long hours in poor conditions and are often paid less than minimum wage. And why? Because the fashion industry promotes over consumption, according to the Wall Street Journal ‘In 2018 the average American bought 68 garments a year.’ Meanwhile the workers creating the garments are paid well below the minimum living wage. Whilst overproduction is a problem that needs to be sorted by brands themselves, it is also down to consumers to be more mindful in who they give their business to and how they dispose of old garments.

Dangerous Working Environments

work environment

There are thousands of stories from workers who have discussed the terrible conditions in which they are forced to work. An example that shows truly how much of a danger these environments are, is ‘The Rana Plaza Disaster,’ which involved 5 Bangladesh garment factories collapsing. Killing over 1000 workers and injuring a further 2500, this is one of many tragic accidents that have occurred due to problems being overlooked for the sake of fast fashion. 

Unimaginable Working Hours And Unpaid Wages

The Worker Rights Consortium estimates that during the pandemic, garment workers have been denied over half a billion dollars of earned wages. The average worker is doing over 100 hours of work per week and taking home a wage far less than the living standard, often forcing themselves to work overtime in order to be able to pay for necessities like rent and food.

With working excessive hours and lacking the money to nourish themselves it is incredibly common for factory workers to be injured whilst at work. However, workers do not have the opportunity to join worker unions and are often left jobless without financial support.

Taking Advantage Of The Vulnerable In Society

fast fashion worker

These factories seek out the most vulnerable in society in order to exploit them and force them to work in such inhumane conditions. According to Labour Behind The Label ‘Gender discrimination runs deep throughout all of the countries in which garments are currently produced. Women are often subjected to verbal and physical abuse and sexual harassment.’

As well as this, the industry also employees an incredibly high number of children. Child labour is an incredibly common problem which is often overlooked due to the lack of support workers receive. According to Eco Friendly Habits ‘there are an estimated 250 million kids working in sweatshops worldwide. In developing countries, an estimated 168 million children aged between 5 to 14 years are forced to work in apparel factories.’

Tackling The Fast Fashion Problem: Brand Transparency

Going forward, brand transparency is incredibly important. It is time for businesses to take accountability for their actions. Industry giants are being encouraged to create a more sustainable manufacturing process. Fashion Checker states that ‘transparency in production supply chains is the first step towards improved working conditions but it is not the solution.’

Whilst putting pressure on businesses it is also important for consumers to take action. There are a vast number of resources that will help you understand which retailers are taking on the transparency pledge and working towards creating a more sustainable world. Brand transparency benefits consumers as they are made aware of the manufacturing process, this added insight can help when deciding to buy products from brands.


Running Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Why Do People Get Injuries When Running?

Running injuries commonly happen when a person uses the incorrect footwear for their needs, or use incorrect technique resulting in a strain injury. When running, a lot of stress is put on the joints of the legs, feet and lower back. Strain can be an immediate injury or gradually sustained over time from this stress.

During running, our posture naturally self-corrects to the most comfortable running position, but this may go on to cause gradual strain to other areas of the legs and feet, for example, heel striking may feel comfortable but could eventually lead to calf strain if the running shoes don’t have enough shock absorption. 

Here Are Some Of The Most Common Running Injuries:


Women exercising outdoors

Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is when the heel tendon becomes inflamed, usually with the symptoms of swelling, unusual warmth, and soreness. If care to reduce further damage is not taken when showing symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis, this may result in a tear of the tendon, usually needing surgical intervention.

Hamstring Injuries

Because your hamstring helps to stop your lower leg momentum when running, gradual tears in the hamstring fibres can occur. Stiffness, tenderness and pain are symptoms of hamstring strain and efforts should be made to rest the muscles before a permanent injury.

Knee Strain

Knee Strain is the most common running injury with up to 50% of running injuries being to the knees. Runners Knee refers to pain around the knee and kneecap that although isn’t usually permanent, can take up to 6 weeks to go away when the knee is given proper time to recover by not being put under stress with hard exercise or excursion.

Stress Fractures

Stress Fractures are hairline cracks that form in the bone after stress. The impact stress of running can cause these hairline cracks to form in the feet and legs. Pain, tenderness and swelling can all be symptoms of hairline cracks. Should you suspect a hairline crack you may wish to see a doctor for an X-ray and rest the bone by not doing hard exercise.   

Should you get an injury you may wish to follow the RICE protocol – rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Rest is important to stop an injury further progressing and to begin healing. Ice can help to reduce swelling and pain in an area of discomfort. Swelling can be prevented by compression with either a sock or bandage, and elevation can further reduce swelling and pain by raising the affected area above the level of the heart. Keep the RICE protocol in mind should you sustain a running injury but always seek professional medical advice if pain does not go away.


You can aim to prevent running injuries by employing the right running technique and footwear.

Correct Technique

Woman exercising

The three strike positions are heel strike, mid-foot strike, and toe strike. The one in which you choose to employ in your running technique depends on your physique so that force is distributed around the feet and legs in the most optimal way for reduced stress. Heel striking can be high impact on the knee and tibia.

Mid-foot striking can stop over-striding by keeping the legs closer in line to the body, distributing weight more evenly. Toe-strike can be stressful on the calf and Achilles heel, but is often referred to as the natural way to run as the ‘springiness’ of the tendons helps in continuing momentum, however tendons in the legs can become strained. Running form will vary by individual but keep these factors in mind when experimenting in finding a running style that is comfortable for yourself and always stop if pain occurs.

Correct Footwear

chemin trainers

Footwear that absorbs shock and so reduces the risk of stress injuries is important for runners. Orthopaedic footwear should also fit the feet correctly, comfortably supporting the arch and midsole, and helping the foot stays in correct posture.

Opting for suitable footwear such as Chemin, a supportive orthotic trainer with shock absorption will help protect your feet from injury. Chemin cushions the ball of the feet for correct running posture and gradually moulds to your foot to fit like a glove. The lightweight EVA midsole will conform to your specific foot shape for unique support, providing maximum comfort and support when running.


Trends Spotlight: Bohemian and Preppy

As we settle into 2022, the new year brings with it a chance to freshen up your wardrobe with the latest trends. Two trends in particular that gained attention in 2021 and show no sign of stopping down are bohemian and preppy style.

Trend Spotlight: Bohemian

Bohemian, also know as ‘boho’, is a trend that originated from hippie culture, consisting of a lack of structure, various earthy colours and patterns, and vintage influence. Boho style comes from a place of practical fashion, with flannel, jeans, and leg warmers being popular boho staples.

Boho first appeared in the early 2000s with celebrity influencers Kate Moss and Sienna Miller being popular trendsetters, and the cross-generational appeal of the boho style led to its ascent and lasting hold on popular fashion. Accessories and distinctive patterns are also popular in the boho look, with a pagan influence happening in the more recent boho phase. Boho can be defined as a lifestyle of vintage appreciation with grunge influences.

Bohemian Style: Shoes

The Chelsea Boot has risen to popularity over the last few years for its versatility and utility, as well as it’s timeless style. Chelsea boots are named after the part of London that their popularity emerged in during the fifties and sixties, Chelsea, West London. The elastic side panel makes the Chelsea boot more distinctive than a typical ankle boot, and its simple but unique style has made it an iconic fashion piece.

Chelsea boots are the perfect addition to any boho outfit due to their practicality and signature style unchanged since their popularity in the sixties. Chelsea boots match with jeans and skirts alike, making a great wardrobe staple.

Try pairing Kene Chelsea with a flannel layered over a t-shirt with ripped mom jeans for a modern boho chic look, or with a vintage midi dress with bold pattern distressed denim jacket for a laidback and hipster inspired boho aesthetic.

Trend Spotlight: Preppy

Preppy is a form of fashion aesthetic with collegiate fashion origins, its name derived from ‘university-preparatory’, also known as ‘prep school’, a type of private American school typically for the upper class.

Taking inspiration from college dress codes, and with a focus on quality and classic clothing, preppy fashion takes both the college dress code and nerd culture fashion and builds its own distinct style. V-neck jumpers, argyle print, blazers and blouses are all staples of a preppy wardrobe.

A focus on high-quality is preferred to fast fashion, and looking sleek, structured and coordinated is a must. Tradition is favoured in preppy aesthetic, and individual variants of the preppy style have emerged as people incorporate their own traditions.

British preppy style favours toward Oxford, Cambridge, and British high society inspiration – think bowler hats, Oxford shoes, Cambridge satchels and the classic British tweed. On the other side of the pond, American preppy style constitutes as chinos, polo shirts and sweaters.

Preppy style: Cill Cut-Out Bootie

Cill Cut-Out Bootie is a low-rise ankle boot with cut out sides in a beautiful mahogany brown leather. Cill is the perfect boot to go with a preppy outfit due to its classic and versatile style, additionally, it’s built for comfort!

With a removable insole, Cill offers arch support and is great for sensitive feet so you can be fashionable and comfortable. Pair Cill boots with slim jeans, a loose-fitted blouse and a V-neck knitted jumper for cute preppy aesthetic. For a more structured look, opt for a tie-bow blouse and earth tone blazer.

CategoriesFashion Footwear

Evolution Of Foot Structure and Why Traditional Styles Can Cause Strain

According to The American Podiatric Medical Association, ‘42% of women admit that they would wear a shoe they liked even if it gave them discomfort, 73% admit to already having a shoe-related foot issue.’ Sadly, this statistic is not surprising as the majority of women do not know the negative impacts of their daily footwear.

Different Footwear Styles: What Is Causing Strain?

High Heels

high heels

For decades high heels have been the staple footwear style for women which has only resulted in decades of unnecessary foot pain. Whilst it is not totally wrong to wear heels, it is recommended that you don’t, especially for such long periods of time. When wearing heels, your foot is in the plantar flexed position. This position is unnatural for your foot alignment and as your muscles are stretched you begin to feel pain.

According to Healthline: ‘An injury to any of the muscles that support plantar flexion can limit your ability to flex your foot or stand on tiptoe. Ankle injuries, including sprains and fractures, are one of the most common causes of plantar flexion problems.’ It is important to remember that other parts of your body can be injured due to your choice of footwear, especially areas such as your ankles, legs and lower back.

Pointed Toes

Footwear with a pointed toe design can cause many problems. When wearing the shoe, your toes are confined to a small space, similar to high heels the positioning then creates an unnatural alignment. This is backed by Piedmont who says ‘The awkward positioning of your toes can also cause them to contract and eventually curl under permanently, a condition known as hammertoe.’ As well as Hammertoe occurring, these shoes also increase the likeliness of developing Bunions. If left untreated Bunions can then lead to problems such as arthritis and ingrown toenails.

Flats and Flip Flops

flat shoes and sandals

These styles of shoe can cause a lot of pain as they lack a very important feature, arch support. Arch supports help to distribute pressure when standing and walking. Without the correct support, your feet are put under pressure because of your body weight, this then causing pain in sensitive areas of the foot like the ball, heel and arch.

Cincinnati Foot and Ankle Care recommends using supports because ‘Arch supports serve as extra cushions for the plantar fascia, providing elevation and shape for the foot as you walk and run.’ Flat shoes may be seen as a comfortable solution compared to high heels however it is suggested not to wear them too often in order to prevent these conditions from occurring.

Alternate Styles Better Suited For Support

Ankle Boots

ankle boots and heels

Ankle Boots are a style which can be worn all year round. Often made with extra space around the toes, boots are less likely to cause problems like hammertoe and bunions. As well as this, they will support the wearer’s ankle, whilst looking after your feet is a priority it is also important to remember that ankles need to be cared for as they too take a lot of pressure whilst walking.


Wedged heels are a great alternative to traditional high heels. With weight pressure evenly distributed across the Wedged heel provide the wearer with complete support, with this stability and comfort are both improved, and you won’t be left with painful feet after walking. This is supported by Dr. James Amis who speaks about the benefits of wedges rather than heels, in the SheFinds article he says ‘Wedges can actually relax the gastrocnemius (or calf muscle) a bit, which in turn reduces the linked tension on the plantar fascia. In most cases, my patients will experience short-term pain relief for their foot and/or ankle ailments when wearing a wedge shoe compared to high heels.’



With people increasingly seeking comfort, trainers have become the most purchased shoe style in the world. Trainers are a reliable are made with the intention of protecting the users’ feet from injury whilst exercising. The tip of a trainer is also often wider to allow help increase stability and movability. Other features often included are arch support and heel cushioning, trainers are constructed in this way in order to minimise pressure on the feet whilst walking.

women smiling

Over 40s Fashion

Fashion in your 40s can be a challenge. The fast fashion trends of the youth aren’t your thing, but you’re still a stylish, mature woman in need of feel-good outfits that are practical, comfortable, and look good!

Too often women reach their 40s and end up in neutrals and dark colours, fitting in with the crowd, or want a big change and aren’t sure how to go about it. So, here are some fashion tips for compiling a wardrobe for your 40s:

Be Utilitarian

Comfortable, convenient and functional is a must for wardrobes of all ages. Chinos are a great alternative to jeans that can have a new level of comfort and are available in many different colours and fits. Tie-waist wear adds dimension to your outfit, tie-waist jackets often feature multiple pockets, especially when in a military-style, and can be paired with a dress up or dress down outfit. Tie-waist trousers are a great style choice that are not too form-fitting but add a feminine outline to your outfit. You can find many more examples of utilitarian fashion by looking for functional clothing.

Be Classic

Building a lasting wardrobe that can fit your needs can be a challenge because of the variety of fashion choices available. By choosing classic staples for your wardrobe, you pick the looks that have stood the test of time for a reason. Classic looks also come from a time when the utility was valued and a product that would last a long time was an important feature. You could try classic and traditional coats and jackets in styles like pea coats, duffle coats and trench coats as a great way to add a classic look to your over 40s wardrobe.

Prioritise Quality

Quality clothing that looks and feels like a quality piece will make you look put together and sophisticated. You can pair one quality piece with a more relaxed outfit and look put together and stylish. Having one great quality jacket is a great way to add sophistication to an outfit in a hurry, or a great pair of shoes that stand out. In maintaining quality, keep your clothes and shoes in top condition by researching the best techniques for maintenance such as oiling leather or dry cleaning.

Search For Smaller, Independent Retailers

High street stores tend to tailor towards fast fashion and trends for younger consumers who make up the bulk of the fashion market. By shopping with smaller independent shops, you will find stores that tailor towards slow fashion and timeless classics. Some styles for over 40s might include midi style skirts and dresses, alongside patterns and colours such as floral and earth tones.

How Can Uufey Shoes Fit Into Your Over 40s Wardrobe?

Uufey offers a range of classic designs with boots, sandals and trainers with orthotic comfort. Orthopaedic footwear also aids in the prevention of foot conditions so could be used as a preventative measure for later in life. Kene Chelsea Boots and Sarah Zest Ankle Boots are some of our top picks for an over 40s wardrobe addition because of their versatility and classic style.

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